Critical Kush - Samsara Seeds - Royal Queen Seeds
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Critical Kush

可用性: 现货

产品名 价格 数量
Critical Kush - 1 Seed
€ 8.50
Critical Kush - 3 Seeds
€ 21.50
Critical Kush - 5 Seeds
€ 32.50
Critical Kush - 10 Seeds
€ 60.00
€ 8.50

In the world of cannabis growing, hybrids that bring out the best qualities of two different strains have become some of the most popular varieties available. Critical Kush is just such a hybrid. By hybridizing Critical Mass with OG Kush, growers have created this high THC strain, which incorporates a full and rich flavor to make for a superior smoking experience.

This kush blend is an indica dominant strain that grows to a medium height, ideal for growing in somewhat limited spaces. However, it produces excellent yield for its size, giving an average of 500-550 grams per square meter. This yield is largely due to its high number of flowers per plant, which in turn produces a higher number of buds. With a flowering time of roughly 55 to 60 days, it is also a wonderfully quick hybrid, allowing for quick turnaround.

Critical Kush cannabis seeds from Royal Queen Seeds will produce a cannabis ideal for relaxing smoking. Its high THC content is excellent for relaxing both the mind and body, as well as relieving stress and pain. However, the strain is not so strong that it will simply render a smoker ineffective for a prolonged period of time. Rather, it will help to relieve tension and stress, while leaving the user in close to full vigor for any remaining tasks of the day. It is also an excellent before bed smoke which will help to ensure a full night of restful sleep.

Critical Kush offers an excellent flavor to go along with this pleasant, yet not overwhelmingly powerful, effect. The smoke has a distinct earthy quality, with an aromatic and spicy overtone. Some strains are simply too musky to be thoroughly enjoyed as a smoking experience, but this one is just the right blend of strong taste with more subtle complexities, making for a really enjoyable smoke.

If you are interested in growing and trying this exciting hybrid for yourself, you can buy Critical Kush seeds directly from Royal Queen Seeds. This hybrid truly sets itself apart from other kush hybrid strains. While it will deliver a strong, satisfying effect, it will not put you on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. It also delivers a rich, flavorful and aromatic smoke that is sure to please even the most discerning of tastes with its subtle yet strong aroma. With its medium size and high yield, it lends itself excellently to the small space or indoor grower looking for a way to get the most yield out of his or her growing operation.

So if you are looking for a new strain for a more enjoyable smoke, a satisfying and lasting effect, or simply looking to increase your yields, this hybrid may well be the one for you. Royal Queen Seeds offers the seeds you will need at reasonable prices. Begin your experiment with this excellent kush today, and you can see high yields of a quality, high THC cannabis drying and waiting to be smoked in a matter of weeks.

THC: 20%+-
CBD: Medium
Yield Indoor : 500-550gr m2
Yield Outdoor: 500-550 grams per plant dried
Height Indoor: 60 - 100 cm
Height Outdoor: 100 - 140 cm
Flowering time: 7-8 weeks
Harvest month: Late September
Genetic Background: Critical x OG Kush
Type: Sativa: 20% Indica: 80%
Effect: Extremely stoned long-lasting & body relaxing

混合20% Sativa - 80% Indica
Tiempo Maduración Interior55到60天
Tiempo Maduración Exterior9月底
产量500-550 gr/m2 Indoor / 500-550 gr/pl Outdoor
血统渊源Critical x OG Kush
Sativa | Indica

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